Sunday, 29 October 2017


After reading and learning about minimalistic life, I (well, we) have started (really slowly) following similar foot steps. Having a partner who is already a minimalist helps :) 

Not wanting too many things in itself is so liberating. Will post more about our experiences in this journey. 

Sunday, 14 May 2017

Sids birthday

Sid had a low key peaceful birthday at a resort with just us.  We spent all the time with each other playing games, swimming, cycling and just gorging on all the good food. Even though I wasn't sure how Sid would take a family themed birthday, he was more than happy with it. He was even asking if we could do this every year!

Love you Sid. Watching you grow into this wonderful boy is such a joy! Wishing you all happiness and good health always :)

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Ammama passes away

In January, my Ammama, the most powerful person I have ever met, passed away peacefully in her sleep. May her soul rest in peace. 

Thursday, 16 March 2017

Patanjali effect

One day,

Sid: Mama, is there a Patanjali TV ?
Me: (confused) No.. why ??
Sid: They say those products are good for health (TV Ad) so if there was a Patanjali TV, it would be good for my eyes! And I can watch it as long as I want.
Me: ???!!!! 


I was the kind who hated gym. Why would someone want to use machines to work out? A walk in the park or a zumba/aerobics session would do ...