Sunday, 8 February 2015

A Cut and a Stitch

Did I mention Sid had started taking swimming classes once again this year ?

Couple of weeks back he had an accident at the pool and had to be rushed to the hospital. He had to get his chin stitched up. But he is fine now and raring to go back to the pool. Guess, I am the one recuperating from the shock.

This happened as he was climbing out of the pool. A foot slip and the next thing I see is blood all over from the deep gash on the chin. I realized immediately that he would need stitches so rushed to the nearest hospital. Luckily there was a pediatric surgeon available. Papa joined us from office. The doctor said as the wound was quite deep he will have to be completely sedated before suturing - which requires hospital stay. It was not an easy decision to take at that point. After taking my uncle's and close friend (both doctors) suggestion we went ahead.

I have to write about how Sid was doing all along. After the first ten minutes, he was quite settled and almost normal. His maturity sometimes make me ashamed.

He happily went into the OT to get the suturing. There were a few staff waiting to hold him down incase he resists. There was hardly any need for it,  he was super cool. Somehow the image of this happy child getting into the OT broke me down. I was waiting impatiently outside. A good 30 min later, they got him out. He slowly came out of sedation and was back to his usual self in an hours time. In fact, he liked the room so much that he wanted to stay for a few more days.

The suture was removed last week and he is back to school now. It was one hell of a week !

All part of growing up. Love you Sid. You are strong and you make me strong everyday.



I was the kind who hated gym. Why would someone want to use machines to work out? A walk in the park or a zumba/aerobics session would do ...