Tuesday, 11 December 2012


One fine morning, when I was busy in the kitchen,

Sid: Mamma play with me..

Me: (Gave him a steel glass and tongs) Sid, why don't you play with this? See you can lift the glass using these.

Sid found it quite interesting and started playing with it. After a while.

Me: (Happy seeing him play on his own) What are you doing Sid?

Sid: Lifting the glass with the "crane"

Me: ?!

Keep it simple silly!

One day, on our monthly visit to a grocery shop, I was pushing the big cart around buying the needful.  Sid followed me with his small cart.  There were a few people chattering happily (probably friends meeting after a long time) between aisles blocking our way. My polite "excuse me" fell on deaf ears. While I was wondering how to interrupt and move ahead, my little one made this loud  "pom pom pom ... car is coming"  sound.  Everyone (including me) gave way promptly.

Do I need to write what I felt ;-)


Sid loves Horlicks. He can have it anytime of the day. This one thing he has taken after me.

Grandma on phone: Sid, how are you?
Sid: I am not fine.
Grandma on phone: (obviously concerned) Why? What happened?
Sid: because (he now answers any "why" question with a because) no Horlicks!

After this incident, my mom makes it a point to check with me if I gave Sid his Horlicks.

Sid now understands that when we visit a friend/relatives house they as good hosts, give us tea/milk. So after a formal 5 minute settling time in a new house, he openly asks where his "Horlicks" is. The host is then obliged to give us one ;-)


Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Stuck in the sky

Couldn't help myself from putting this down. Few months back Sid noticed that the moon was following him. When asked why it was so, he said it was following him to give a hug. That was a poetic Sid.
On a crescent moon day last week, I tried getting his attention telling that the moon was again following him. Pat came the reply .."Mamma, Not coming behind. It is stuck "im" the sky". A more practical Sid ?


Sid's school has a system of letting their students go only after we show a "pickup" card. Last week I forgot his card, so requested a temporary card.  I waited for a good ten minutes when his teacher returned to tell me that Sid does not want to come out as it was not  his "regular" card !! No amount of cajoling or explanation from the teacher deterred him. He gave a "This is not my pickup card. I wont go". His kind teacher got the temporary card in a laminated sheet.  Only then did Sid come out.

School updates

I just am a lazy person. I cannot think of any other reason for leaving the blog unattended.  Anyways, thought of putting up some Sid-updates from his school life.
Sid was fine for the first week as I was there with him in his class. He was more interested in being
"an outstanding student" literally. When asked to sing alone or with his group, he gave an I don't know and I don't care look. I enjoyed watching him in his class.
The next couple of weeks were spent very anxiously with Sid flatly refusing to go to school. He was so against going to school, that when we went past his school on our way elsewhere he would panic. Every time we dress him up to go anywhere, he would anxiously ask if it was to his school. After a week, I was getting quite worried with people questioning if we chose the right school to if he was getting bullied somehow. I remember crying one day outside his school when he had a big drama getting in. Luckily the same week, they had a field trip to a garage where he saw car washing and his favorite cars. That, I presume, helped him look forward to school.
Now my little one goes to school like he goes to a park or something. He has made friends with his teacher/aunty. Sid, like a typical man, does not talk about his day - read school. The one thing he seems to observe religiously is the dress his teacher wears. Be it a sari or churdar *as he calls it). He tells the exact color with details like small flowers or designs. I am impressed my boy.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

To Sid

Tomorrow is your first day at a play school.  You are peacefully asleep not knowing your life is going to change a little(?) from tomorrow. Wish I were you .. carefree and a happy soul.
I am happy, nervous, excited and a little scared. Though I understand that you are going to a good school and that you will be taken care of, my heart doesn't. You are just 2 yrs old.  Will the teacher understand what you say and what you don't ? Will she be there to protect you ? Will she console you ? Will she have the time to look into your bright eyes that brighten up every time you do something on your own? I just pray that she does!

I wonder what you will feel when I will leave you at your school.  Being the Mr.Independent that you are, I will not be surprised if you  happily ask me to go so you can start playing :) Or may be you will cry like everyone else?  I have no idea how you will take it as I have never had the need to leave you with anyone other than your Papa in these two years. Now to suddenly leave you in the hands (no matter how experienced) of a teacher is difficult for me too.

But, this day - the day before you first step into the real world,  is inevitable. So.. let me pack my sentiments and wish you the very best in life.  Go ahead Sid and have fun. Be happy (and safe) in whatever you do. I ask nothing more. Just remember this monu, I will always always be there for you, no matter what.

Wanted to record this mixed emotional moment. Maybe one day we both will read this and laugh at it !

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Birthday at Tuty

Long overdue post.

We celebrated Sid's second birthday at Tuty. Mom had got a biiiig cake shaped like a car. Sid loved the car so did not want to cut it. Left with no option I blew the candle and cut the cake. Sid was all shy and hugging me tight. It was after his afternoon nap and he wasn't totally awake I guess. He did not want to even taste it.  I did my best in finishing the cake too - anything for you, Sid.  With a small ayushhomam at home, temple visit and Mom's wonderful sadhya the day was perfect. Little Sid running around in dhoti was a delight to watch.

There has to be something with birthdays and falling sick, at least with Sid  it seems to be true. His first birthday ended with a viral fever - his first fever actually. This year it was a severely upset stomach(eating out at a friend's wedding) and bruise on his nose again his first times.  It was saddening to see the little one go through it. Unlike me, my little champ was taking it fine and  playing like always. Lesson learnt my boy.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012


Finally I created a blog. Every possible combination of names that my small brain could think of seem to have been taken up. There are a lot of like minded people or I am out of ideas.
Here is where I hope to put down happenings in my life most of which revolve around my (almost) 2 yr old son - Sid. I hope someday as he grows, he reads them and enjoys (or picks up a fight on how I could have done this to him!)  Did I say Bringing up mom?


I was the kind who hated gym. Why would someone want to use machines to work out? A walk in the park or a zumba/aerobics session would do ...